Garry Halliday (1959–1962)
Garry Halliday
2 January 2010
Compulsive Saturday evening viewing, Garry Halliday represented the perfect seamless transition from boys own adventures such as 'The Lone Ranger' at 5pm, to the later more adult evening shows such as 'Dixon of Dock Green' and er... The Billy Cotton Band Show'. Halliday was indeed slick, fast paced, suspenseful and an acknowledgement by the BBC that 'kids' TV did not have to be ropey costumed dramas or feature Billy Bunter. I always knew when serious action was about to start on GH when video tape or live transmission changed to film about 10 seconds before a fight commenced. Presumably action sequences had to be prerecorded on film.

The Voice was far more frightening than those later multi handled dustbins called Daleks. I remember the shock and disbelief I felt during the last series when the Voice suddenly changed appearance, Dr Who like, from one actor to another, following the death of Elwyn Brook Jones. The BBC could have handled this much better. The series , for me, lost all credibility at this point and maybe represented the loss off a certain innocence. I still have the Justin Blake book 'Garry Halliday and the Disappearing Diamonds' my Mum gave me at Christmas 1960! Good that Terence Longdon and Bill Kerr are still going strong and God bless Terence Alexander who died in 2009.
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