7 January 2010
I saw this back in 1978, have the video & even transferred the video to DVD. I've watched it over & again, multiple times & have enjoyed it each time. For those of you who can't comprehend it, that's okay, but if you dislike the film so much, why go on a tirade, taking the time to make criticisms about it? My opinion hasn't changed... I enjoyed seeing this back in 1978 & continue to derive enjoyment from it today.

With all the crap coming out ad nauseum these days, it's a grave injustice The Class of Miss MacMichael still hasn't seen a (R1) DVD release. I now long for a proper DVD treatment of this wonderful classic. I wish the distributors for The Class of Miss MacMichael would get their heads out of their asses & get the ball rolling, & soon.

The scene where Glenda Jackson (Miss MacMichael) has a showdown with Oliver Reed (Mr. Sutton), is electrifying & highly showcases the greatest work of Ms. Jackson's career! Rosalind Cash turns in a wonderful performance as Miss MacMichael's fellow colleague & good friend, as does Michael Murphy as Miss MacMichael's love interest.

Pay no attention to the negative comments, this movie is indeed worth watching. It's a comedy-drama & not to be scrutinized, but enjoyed. The Class of Miss MacMichael delivers on all counts.
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