Overdone To the Max
9 January 2010
First off let me say that I used to live where this movie was filmed and its some what like that but this movie is madness maxed out. Its really not like that. They show these people has having no humanity what so ever. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Bad things do happen but when u live in a neighborhood no matter how down trodden the people are still your neighbors. You have to live with those people. They show crackheads as just animals with no souls. Its not true.

Another reviewer said that it was unreal because the transgender character was beautiful. He's obviously not been around many trans women or seen many. There are some trans women who are absolutely stunning like the character in this film.

Again this movie is gritty but its sensationalism. I also resent that the only redeemable characters are white people. All the black men are barbaric and the white are more docile. This is not true. I'm sick of seeing this mess in films.
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