No substance, wit or anything worthwhile.
12 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what compelled me to watch this film but it was a total waste of time.

The director failed miserably in conveying whatever message (if any) or half-baked political/social allegory he was trying to. This film is as soulless, vapid and empty as the characters it was trying to portray. At times it is even downright insulting; it actually propounds the ignorance, apathy (and countless stereotypes) that it may have been attempting to critique.

Even if this film wasn't attempting to say anything meaningful, it failed to fulfill its basic function as a comedy. Despite the attempts of the writers/director to be witty and ironic, the jokes were so vulgar that I wonder whether Marcos Siega has even heard of the word 'subtlety'.

Moreover, all of the characters are ugly and stupid, except for the main character (who apparently has a record-breaking IQ but never says or does anything to affirm this - probably because the writers of this atrocity are total idiots who can't come up with a good line of dialogue to save their lives). Nothing significant or meaningful or even logical ever comes of any of the events that take place.

*******************spoilers****************** I also thought that Randa's suicide was also irresponsible and, once again, totally illogical. It advances some incredibly ignorant stereotypes.

I spent the whole duration of Pretty Persuasion waiting for something redeeming or clever to happen but it never did. The plot is extremely contrived and the ending is comparable to a join-the-dots activity for a two year old. Every element of this poorly written and heavy handedly plotted film converges to form what may be the biggest anti-climax in film history. The final 'twist' hinged on a stupid and paltry cliché.

In conclusion, I felt violated by how stupid this film is. I can't understand why something like this was ever made.
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