Review of At Night

At Night (2007)
Just more depressing garbage
14 January 2010
It seems that 90% of films, and 99% of shorts are deemed artistic simply because they are depressing. Here is an example.

Being in subtitles doesn't help, as no one cares enough to watch the words for the whole bit. It is low energy, and evokes no emotion.

The hospital scenes will put you to sleep. We know what will happen, and we don't care. It is no news that terminal illness is terminal. Why don't we just make a bunch of depressing films and depress half the population of the world into suicide so they don't have to worry about terminal illness? That is all the writer wants to do. Period.

This could have been viewable if the writer made one bit of effort to make it interesting, but no effort was made. Pathetic work. I can't imagine any audience for this, except for the "blues" crowd, those who don't have enough pain in their life, so they want Art to be painful, too. Trouble with these brats is that they want to cram this garbage down our throats.
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