Civilisation (1969–1970)
I just can't put it back in the garage
22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I know very little of Art or its history, or compete with the wonderful commentaries above, but know this; I just can't return Kenneth Clark's "Civilisation" to my garage to moulder! Every year it returns to my DVD player for a full replay as I sit back to enjoy Clark's enthralling journey through time, his insights, his sweet lines, especially of Episode Two; "like a Russian spring!", "the inflated scale of modern materialism!", "these great orderly mountains of stone!", "And so she was martyred!" And I come out of it refreshed and satisfied, and more thoughtful too. "Civilisation", so different from the common historical gruel. Where's the quality now I ask? "History Channel"? I don't think so! Not for depth anyway. Give me Clark any day!
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