Absolutely awful
27 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Dreadful, cowardly adaptation of a pretty good novel.

"Cowardly"? Yup. In the book, the hero meets and starts a new life with a grown woman called Josella Playton, all without benefit of clergy. But that was probably too risqué for 1962 so Josella's gone, replaced by an annoying child.

The book takes a lot of trouble to point out that, in the face of a world catastrophe, it might be essential to find new social mores and redefine morality. And this is a point that the film misses completely. The book finishes in a tone of guarded optimism where, perhaps, one day, humans might take back the planet. In the film, the solution to the triffid problem is ridiculously simple, inventing a happy ending out of nowhere.

Absolutely hideous film, growing up I used to shudder whenever people who had never read the book told me the film was pretty good. Fortunately, time has relegated this turkey to obscurity.
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