The Outer Limits: Soldier (1964)
Season 2, Episode 1
He's the perfect, ultimate soldier
3 February 2010
This episode is one of the best pieces of 60's television that I've ever seen(and not just of science fiction), out of nearly a 100 total. I can completely imagine someone watching this on TV remembering it for years, even decades, after. Honestly, I don't see how you can realistically watch this and the also excellent Demon with a Glass Hand, and not recognize elements of them in The Terminator. I love the work of James Cameron, and I don't personally believe he intended to plagiarize anyone, but several of the concepts of that film clearly came from these two stories by Harlan Ellison, an author I intend to delve deeper into the writings of. The script is excellent, and the execution leaves rather little to be desired. From the dark, dystopian and terrifying future to the psychological accuracy, it's all almost entirely invariably spot-on. The editing and cinematography are magnificent. This is impeccably well-acted, including the kids, who are pretty convincing. Ansara is absolutely stunning; he has the chops to pull off the role, as well as the physicality to be credible in that aspect. This is exciting, engaging and chilling, with strong commentary. The plot is compelling, and it's well-paced from start to finish. I recommend this to any fan of sci-fi that isn't cheery and optimistic. 8/10
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