NYC: Tornado Terror (2008 TV Movie)
Comparatively speaking, OK to good
7 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So the special effects weren't special -- well, the lightening and St. Elmo's fire were pretty good. And why send up an F-117 Nighthawk as a cloud seeder? Why not, it's a movie. Hey, they coulda used an SR-71 Blackbird. That is the best looking aircraft ever. Could something that looks like a mini-MLRS reach 65K ft? Well, maybe. Is the science legit? Just as legit as global warming. If you think this was bad science, be sure you miss "Meteor Storm."

The acting, particularly from the principles was unexceptional, but quite reasonable for the genre. I recognized Sebastian Spence, but I absolutely missed Nicole de Boer as Dax from "Deep Space Nine." She was, once, a hottie.

Plot, well there has been a lot worse. I was a little surprised that the eminent meteorologist didn't recognize a dust devil when she saw one. Girl's gotta get out of the city more. Actually, for this kind of flick it was amazingly cliché free. I mean, nobody got stuck in the elevator (again, don't see "Meteor Storm" if you don't like disaster flick clichés -- it is rife with them). I got a little bored with the kids wandering around in the tunnel -- do they really have those on Liberty Island? But the potential boyfriend got fried. I mean, those two did not have a happy ending. How outré is that?
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