Review of Honor

Cold Case: Honor (2005)
Season 3, Episode 8
The Coward
10 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A hero's welcome has been prepared for returning Viet Nam hero, Carl Burton. His young son Ned is surprised when they are finally reunited. Up to this point, Ned had been under the impression Ken is his real father. No wonder, his young mother, Janet, has been friendly in more ways than met the eye toward Ken, who came earlier from the war. Ned had collected a lot of those POW bracelets with his missing father's name that were worn by well wishers all over the country.

Carl is the object of much talk among the veterans that are back, trying to go back to normal lives. One thing for sure, Carl was no hero. Under pressure, and after many beatings, Carl decided to "cooperate" with his captors, and thus, his release from prison. Daniel Potter, the young son of one American POW, is particularly interested in Carl Burton's story; he is bitter about Carl taking credit for things he knows aren't true.

The Cold Case team goes into action to reconstruct the circumstances that led to Carl's assassination. What first appeared to have been a suicide, is found not to have been true. There were a lot of people that hated Burton for being a coward and for selling the other men that preferred to endure the punishment from the Viet Cong captors than cooperate with them.

An interesting episode directed by Paris Barclay, who is a frequent collaborator, working with Mark Turk's excellent screenplay. Detective Kat Miller, played by Tracie Tooms, who will become part of the team, makes an appearance. Good performances by Brynn Thayer as the older Janet Burton. John Alsopp is also good as Carl. An intense Michael Welsh is seen as Daniel Potter.
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