Quantum Apocalypse (2010 TV Movie)
Read a book instead
14 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing worse than the plot is the dialogue, and the acting, and the science, and the sound, and the effects.

I wasted 15 minutes of my life watching this drivel then went and did some accounts. It hadn't improved when I got back. My wife came in half way through and confirmed my thoughts. "What on earth is this rubbish?" Then she fell asleep.

Londo should have stuck to Babylon Five, he's totally not credible as the US President (and your record has been patchy guys).

Gigi was edgy in Farscape but she was an alien and they are supposed to be weird.

There was the cliché of the autistic savant, but well played in all fairness.

If it hadn't taken itself so seriously it might not have been so bad but this was really, really awful.
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