Review of Carriers

Carriers (2009)
Almost but not quite
17 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie. It has several things going for it. The acting is generally solid and the plot is a reasonably original twist on "the end of the world with zombies." But character motivation keeps messing up the movie. We are told very early on that survival is determined by staying away from roads and towns (where the infected and crazies are) yet the main characters _repeatedly_ go to towns and stay on busy roads. Furthermore, the main character (played by Pine) keeps doing dumb things that get them all in really big trouble. What were the writers thinking? Couldn't they come up with a plot that doesn't rely on someone making dumb decisions? A lesser problem is that the main characters never seem to care about or lack for food and water in a world where civilization has fallen, but they always need gas for the car. In one scene they talk about water but then we see them drinking beer. It's lazy writing like that had me looking cross-eyed at the screen.

There's real potential in the story but the writers never really figured out how to draw characters that do plausible things.
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