Totally Unwatchable Drive in Smeg. Unless It's MST3K Version
17 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
American International at its absolute worst. Ultra-low budget film about time travel (in the worst, most boring way), where a monster woman from the future who is intelligent but at the same time stupid, is brought to the past to get new man seed. If I had watched this as part of a schlock movie package set it would have been stopped about 5 minutes in and never revisited. However, as an MST3K installment with Mike (not Joel) it's pretty good. The one liners they use are decent though probably not in the top 50% of their shows, however it made watching this dreg palatable and even at times amusing. Favorite lines? I like the Jimmy Carter references, having lived through that pitiful time they cracked me up, plus you never see this bunch ribbing the left so it was a pleasant surprise. 1 of 10 on its own, 6 of 10 as a MST3K episode. It doesn't surpass Beast of Yucca Flats as my worst movie of all time but it's pretty close. UPDATE FROM THE YEAR 2020!!!! This film was so forgettable that I watched it again 10 years later and couldn't remember that I had already seen it. Of course, I watched the MST3K version. When I came here to leave a review, I saw I already left one from the past!!!! So, do I still agree this is a 1-star film? Absolutely! If you read the other reviews, most praising it are nostalgic reviews or are praising it because its so bad its good. This film reminded me of the 1957 Everly Brothers song "Wake Up Little Susie," "The movie wasn't so hot, It didn't have much of a plot, We fell asleep, our goose is cooked Our reputation is shot. Wake up, little Susie" If I had watched this back in the day at a drive in I would have fallen asleep too! Points to ask yourself for those who really love this film and think it's so underrated, scientists from 1958 can invent a time machine but scientists from the year 5000 cannot? If you are sending a woman back to get man-seed you pick from the one out of five who is an ugly mutant? You send a person back in time with a cannister but not a weapon? If the monster is so terrifying why do they wait until the last reel to have it in the film? Also, the only known actors in this are the female lead but this is her next to last film (she's old?), the writer who also wrote the terrible (but at least funny) "Attack of the Eye Creatures" and low budget schlock master Samuel Z. Arkoff who is known for deliberately making films just to make a buck, artistic output never considered. The only revision I have watching this, 10 years into the future, is that the riffing done by the MST3K crew is higher than a 6, I now give it a 8. Only watch this "film" straight up if you love boringly bad films or watch the MST3K version if you enjoy a good riff on them.
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