The Violent (2010)
Parr's film debut - a Full-Contact Star ready to go Supernova !
20 February 2010
Finally the Legend of John Wayne Parr, a man who has dominated World Muay Thai rings, makes his move onto the big screen. Teaming up with Award winning Writer/Director James Richards, Parr brings his dynamic and charismatic presence to the world of knock em down fight films. No one can doubt his fight credentials or his uncanny ability to inspire and entertain but to make this translate to the big screen without detracting from his full contact style takes some doing. In choosing Richards for his Director, Parr shows talent in his choices and as the great Stella Adler stated, "Talent is in your choices". Parr will make an immediate and devastating impact on the fight film genre, he already has a massive World fan base to ensure success and if he keeps doing films of the Quality of 'The Voilent' he is sure to dominate the people hurting business for years to come!
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