Dreamkiller (2010)
Indy movie that is scary, smart
19 February 2010
While this is an independent movie, and there are reminders of this at times with the lighting and sound, you really get a lot out of the screenplay and star Dario Deak. Action, romance and suspense are all packed in, with inspired direction from a relative newcomer, Catherine Pirotta. Brief overview- Two Los Angeles doctors are running a program called F.R.I.T., where they attempt to cure people's fears and phobias by acclimating their brains to the fear. Test subjects start dying, and Dr. Nemet (Dario Deak) tries to figure out what is happening to his patients. The script takes you through a maze of mystery as to who is killing the patients. This movie keeps you guessing like any good thriller. Several stand outs from the cast. Like the ending!
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