Review of Brothers

Brothers (I) (2008)
Not a critic but Very beautiful film from a gentile point of view
26 February 2010
Don't have any big movie technical review, just a person sitting in the theater telling everyone what she saw and how it made her feel:

Saw this movie last night at a Jewish film festival in Scottsdale, AZ.

First have to say, the director is a friend but I previously, never saw any of his work.

Also, I have no strong religious affiliations and no great understanding of Judaism or Israel other than through pop culture, so this might be a completely different perspective than from someone who practicing religion.

So i went in with no expectations other than to support my friend.

First the scenery was beautiful, one could see the love felt for the country. The rolling hills, the light all worked very well to give a mood, a view of the emotional connection for the characters. I was a little worried about the subtitles, the movie is mainly in Hebrew, since they tend to not translate the scene well, but from the reaction around me, they seemed to be correct and on point.

Symbolism abounded through the movie, most of it subtle and not beating you over the head. The music was wonderful, haunting.

I thought the acting was excellent, effortless. the people (they are not all professional actors) believing in what they were presenting and it showed. I thought the connection with the audience was deep, you felt as if you knew them, felt their feelings and wanted solutions to their problems.

The dialog was deep and surprisingly funny at times to alleviate some of the tension.

I was actually moved to tears several times and that surprised me since I watch a lot of movies and no longer get moved by predictable tear- jerkers.

It is not a fast paced, action filmed movie and if that is what you want, it won't please. I have friends I would not watch this movie with because the pace at the beginning is not fast enough.

I thought it exemplified a lot about people in general and the conflicts that can exist between people, family, friends and strangers simply we do not talk nor listen. Then again that is just my opinion.

I would definitely see it again and hope to find it on DVD to add it to my collection. It stayed with me all night and still lingers in my thoughts today.
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