Review of Love Song

Love Song (2000 TV Movie)
There's Just Something About It....
28 February 2010
I first saw Love Song whilst searching You Tube for Christian Kane related videos- I admit it, I'm a fan. But when it comes to film I do look past whether or not I like a certain actor to judge if it is a good film or not. Love Song is a good film, so original and a great story. Monica had copped a lot of criticism for her performance but honestly, I couldn't see anything wrong with it. Christian Kane provided more than just the eye candy, his role was one which he could put a little more of himself into it, given his musical background. I thought all performances were solid and the story line was great. But whenever I ask people their opinion on Love Song I'm always given the same answer; 'It was good but there was just something about it I didn't like'. I feel the same way, and after watching it too many times it's apparent to me that this movies falls down in terms of directing. There were some scenes where the actors could have been coached better, in particular the scene in which Camille and Billy first kiss. The lead up to it came across very awkward, like the scene started too early. But the overall story line is what got me through, these days it's hard to find such an original story, everything is a remake or a comic book adaptation. It's good to know we have something to fall back on when we get sick and tired of another Transformers (that is if you're not sick of it already).
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