Review of The Circle

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Circle (1993)
Season 2, Episode 2
Bajor for the Bajorans!
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As the middle episode of a three part story it is not surprising that this is darker in tone than most early episodes of DS9. Having been replaced on DS9 Kira is unsure what to do with her life so when Vedek Bareil invites her to come to the monastery for a time and contemplate what she should be doing with her life. Back on the station Li Nalas is feeling out of place as Kira's replacement knowing that he is only there because the politicians back on Bajor don't want a popular war hero there who might unify the people behind him. Odo is investigating The Circle and gets a lead concerning their arms supplier from a rather unexpected source... as he follows the lead he finds that the weapons are coming from Cardassia, at first it seems strange that they would be arming Bajoran nationalists but it makes sense; if the Bajorans expel all non-Bajorans they will lose Federation protection. When Kira is kidnapped from the monastery by The Circle Sisko mounts a rescue mission where he is accompanied by Li Nalas who is glad to get a chance to do what he does best.

This episode does what DS9 does at its best; successfully combining action, character development and political machinations in one good story, it also foreshadows later episodes as Vedek Winn manoeuvres for a promotion to Kai, the Bajoran's spiritual leader, I'm not sure if it was planned at the time or just because Louise Fletcher did so well in the role that the show's creators wanted to use the character a lot more.
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