The Twilight Zone: Perchance to Dream (1959)
Season 1, Episode 9
Twisted and Brilliant
10 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is the only twilight episode that I have watched and that was when I when around 10, in Nigeria, twenty eight years ago. Even then I did not know I was watching the famed TV series until I discussed some of the film images with another film buff years later in the University (His name is Peter Nnochiri) and he told me that the name of the film was Twilight Zone.

One would ask how come I was discussing the film over a decade later with a friend. A film that I did not know its name.

Simple. The film scared the s..t out of me! There were no creatures or monsters or anything just like that but some images in the film have always stuck in my mind.

Briefly recapped a young man has been having recurring dreams of a fun fair and one beautiful sexy lady called Maya deliciously and evilly played by whom I later knew to be called Suzanne Lloyd. He then reveals these dreams to his psychiatrist because he is scared that the dreams or maybe the woman will kill him.

The outstanding character there was the dream lady, Maya. Her maniacal laughter as she and the dreamer cavort on a roller coaster was chilling and one of the few images that have always stuck in my mind. That and the brilliant twist in the final scenes.

Its a pity she didn't evolve into a more prominent actress. Her character makes Sharon Stone'Catherine Tramell of Basic Instinct almost look like Mary Poppins. It is more remarkable that Maya, unlike Tramell, did not throw off her clothes or wield any ice pick or knife. It was just her seductive and yet evil aura that made her a powerful presence. You are both attracted to and repelled by her essence.

I wonder that Hollywood has not yet decided to make a full movie out of it by enlarging the story. After all, Basic Instinct bears striking similarities with The Carpathian Eagle, an episode of Hammer House of Horrorseries, which is the British version of Twilight Zone.

This a fantastic film and definitely a worth see again. Can anybody send me this film or tell me how to get it?
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