Highlander: The Source (2007 TV Movie)
Should have thought it through more
15 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While I must agree that The Source was a terrible embarrassment (made The Quickening look like Oscar material), and that I think they should've thought it through and pounded out a few more drafts (it is played like a first or second draft screenplay), I do have to say that there is one element in it I kind of like.

If we remember that the idea of The Gathering was dropped after the first season of the series, it becomes apparent that there are still more immortals out there, maybe many more that have yet to find their destiny. This does, in effect, create a paradox. How can there be only one when the supply keeps on getting bigger? Enter the idea that The Source is supposed to represent the final prize. Put in a supposedly unbeatable immortal in the name of The Guardian, and we have one solution to the paradox.

The One, then, would be someone who only participates in The Game for his own life's safety, one who feels every death and mourns every passing, and we get Duncan McLeod, earning the prize by not killing an enemy that was bent on his destruction.

The basis of the story is okay. The movie sucked big time. Of the 5 movies, this one ranks at the bottom, even lower than The Quickening.
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