Beautifully Shot and Directed...AND...Great Story.
19 March 2010
"John, I'm Sorry" was originally produced for YouTube's very first Project Direct film festival back in 2007. Since then, it has found its way overseas, accompanying some successful shorts at the Mid Ulster Film Festival in 2008.

First and foremost, kudos goes to the entire production team for pulling this off in under two weeks with a budget of $500. Wow. The story is well written; I like how Rucas plays with space and time, (that's all I'm going to say.) I don't want to spoil it, so see it for yourself. Also, the directing and cinematography is tight; very succinct and to the point, the way films should be made. Quite often, I find many amateur filmmakers getting lost in their "artistic vision" and inevitably, their story suffers. Rucas does a tremendous job of maintaining a striking visual while sharing his unusual story. Many filmmakers are good at one or the other. He is good at both.

I can't wait for the next film.
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