A total ...
25 March 2010
... train wreck. Dunno where to start, really. Avoid at all costs.

I have to add ten lines of text, so I'll say that producer Bernd Eichinger and director Uli Edel probably wanted to print money quickly on the relative popularity of vulgar talk singer Anis Ferchichi, aka "Bushido". However, "Bushido's" star seems to be sinking, maybe because it's hard to keep streetcred with mostly immigrant youth when the cultural and political elite is kissing your behind. And the ruling party, the "Christian-Democratic-Union" invites you to join its ranks. Add to that 13 cases of proved (and costly) plagiarism and maybe the film came out a few moths late for making money. Despite its seeming to have been hastily produced. Meh, this time stealer will soon be forgotten like its subject.
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