2nd film version of The Maltese Falcon (sort of)
27 March 2010
this 2nd version of the original 1931 film is a remake of sorts.the story is similar,but there's more going on.it's more complicated.the characters are quite similar to the original,with a few minor differences.the names are all different.and the biggest difference is the object of everybody's attention.there's no Falcon,Maltese or otherwise,in this version.instead it's something else that everybody wants.i can't say i liked or disliked this version more than the 1931 version.they both have their merits.i will say though that i preferred Ricardo Cortez as Sam Spade to Warren William as Ted Shane(the Sam Spade Character).i also thought the part of Shane's was a bit too stereotypical of how women were portrayed back.they made her seem weak and ditsy.in the original,her character was stronger,in my opinion.on the plus side,i was really impressed with how great an actress Bette Davis was.so i guess it evens out in the wash.for me,Satan Met a Lady is a 7/10
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