South Park: The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs (2010)
Season 14, Episode 2
Brilliant episode!
27 March 2010
After the mediocre "Sexual Healing", The Tale Of Scrotie McBoogerballs is once again another excellent south park episode.The plot revolves around the age old issue of controversial novels.The boys get assigned to read "Catcher In The Rye" for school.They dislike the fact, but after hearing that the book is "controversial", they are excited.They then find that the book is not actually controversial at all(especially for today's standards), so Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny decide to write the most disgusting novel of all time.They do so and despite the fact that everybody who reads it throws up, they love the book! The boys just meant to be as gross as possible, however everybody else keeps analyzing the deeper meanings of the novel and praising it.The boys thought they would be in trouble for writing it, so they use Butters as a scapegoat, therefore he gets all the fame and glory.The episode also pokes fun at actress Sarah Jessica Parker.The episode raises the questions "should we ban disgusting novels?" and "what(if any) are the deeper meanings of them?".There have only been two episodes so far, but if Trey and Matt continue like this, the season will for sure be great!
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