Doctor Who: The Family of Blood (2007)
Season 3, Episode 9
And the evils of the future
28 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Right off the bat I loved this episode - David Tennant is MY Doctor.

But the one part of this two-part episode that had me in absolute buckets of tears actually has little to do with the Doctor.

Yes, the "flash forward" scene still had me sobbing, but what made me sob the hardest was those school boys, lining up to fight the scarecrows? Those boys who, just a few short months later would be plunged into the Great War. They were so young and so small. For all that the Doctor has faced the Slytheen, the Darleks, the Master and the Weeping Angels (enjoy that episode it's the best EVER episode of the new Doctor!),- these boys would face a real enemy and it was a future they were so woefully unprepared for, and there was no Doctor to save them.

This two-parter brought the Doctor into the real world with some sci-fi layered gently on top. It was perfect.
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