A modern masterwork
29 March 2010
This tragic tale takes place in Denmark, almost completely in Arabic. The Lebanese Civil War and the culture of vendetta that it created run amok in the streets of Copenhagen. What I particularly enjoyed about this film was the way that it explored some of the more ridiculous elements of the Sunni Shia divide, as well a variety of hypocrisies that occur when people use their faith as an excuse and/or a weapon. Any Western Muslim with Old World connections (like myself) must see this film. There are a number of elements and scenes that will blow right over the heads of the people who are just seeing a brilliant tragedy of Shakespearean proportions playing out on the screen in front of them. That said, if you are just a guy that loves action films and doesn't give a rats ass about "nuances" or Shakespeare, you will love this savage burst of blood and adrenalin.
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