Review of S.O.B.

Prison Break: S.O.B. (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
They really are trying to see how low it is possible to go...
30 March 2010
I've reviewed quite a few season 4 episodes of Prison Break, yet the show's astonishing stupidity compels me to write a new one something like every other week. Because it really is coming dangerously close to being the Batman & Robin equivalent of TV strictly in terms of quality and entertainment value (the latter being a matter of opinion, of course). Again, no wonder the show died in USA and here in Finland they waited a whole year after the end of season 3 to dump this load on us.

It's now pointless to kick this show about its plot holes since it seems to consist only of plot holes. And the "plotting" seems to follow the 6-year old child's play logic of "and then they could..." - except that the 6-year old could probably come up with a more coherent plot. The characters, meanwhile, are reduced to two-dimensional cardboard (remember, "one-dimensional" is only a straight line) with no consistent motivation and the only purpose of existence the needs of the writers to put boring exposition into their mouths and serve us "twists" according to the writers' whims.

Since there were three pre-existing reviews more favorable than mine, I thought it only fair to see how they justified their ratings. One showed sarcasm and stated that "Fortunately this series is coming to an end" yet gave the episode 7/10. A bit high, since a 7 means that something is above the average of 5.5 - and this certainly isn't. Another reviewer had some trouble with the English language but I gathered that the amount of twists and cliffhangers made this worth a 9. Unfortunately their gushing review and declaration of love for the show reveal that they have lost all objectivity when reviewing this series. Again, it is important to note that the first third or so of season 1 was genuinely fantastic, but turning a blind eye to the show's later faults is not something I can do. The third reviewer noted that the brothers' relationship was "further developed". In what sense, I wonder? The only new thing was the "twist" in their relationship and that came straight from the bottom of the barrel. I also wonder why they thought that the Scylla arc was "very interesting" and couldn't help but laugh when they noted that the writing was "nearly fascinating". *Nearly*? And they gave 10/10! I wonder what they would have given had the writing been "thoroughly fascinating" - 11/10 perhaps? Really, it seems that outside of the Twilight fan-base, this series had the most deluded fan-base in the world. Interesting though that there were no American reviews. Again, my vote is 2/10.
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