The X-Files: Audrey Pauley (2002)
Season 9, Episode 11
Interesting idea but doesn't come off on the details
31 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers for this and Daemonica and general relationship arc***

Context of episode: On the progression of the D & R relationship, this is the first time I actually saw that D *might* have feelings for her. Before this we're only told but not shown, and we see R throwing herself at him and being all *thanks but no thanks*. For the speed of their relationship (up to this point) to work we should have been SHOWN this much earlier. By this point, i'd also like to know what R has that would make her a good partner for D: we see see Doggett's good qualities (loyal, dependable, honourable, honest, dog-like etc) and that he'd be better off emotionally with someone, but why R? Why is she better or worse than anyone else? Besides, I wasn't set up for a D & R romance because in Daemonicus there was confusing talk of unrequited Scully love (to which D reacted strongly).

The episode: The good: - Doggett was so well acted; he almost sold it to me. If it was someone worse in that role I doubt I'd believe at all. - The model hospital set thing looked great. - The idea of waking up there and thinking you might be in limbo (but i have no idea how this is supposed to have worked). - liked dog-cat exchange at start. More of this earlier in the season would have helped their relationship.

The not great: - no motive for doc and behaviour random. - why didn't the nurse go into the model if everyone was injected with the same stuff? - R doesn't seem *that* scared (or *that* anything). - Scully's out of character lack of care. - Too fast in D & R's relationship. - Wouldn't D at least try to tell Scully what he thinks is happening. She's believed crazier stuff before.

I thought the look Scully gives R when R wakes was hilarious. It's like she was thinking 'Damn! How am I going to explain to you: I've been actively encouraging them to pull the plug.'
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