She's So Cold (1995)
Fascinating interpretation of a classic Stones' song
31 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure most of us thought that the lyrics to the Rolling Stones' song "She's So Cold" were in regard to the emotional state of the woman the vocalist is describing. Angel Connell gives the concept of emotional rejection a different, and somewhat disturbing, spin, that is: murder, undying passion and, possibly, necrophilia.

The production has a distinct Gothic look, emphasized by the choice of black and white and some special effects. Even so, the overall appearance is reminiscent of those great murder mysteries filmed in the 1940s starring the likes of Bogey and Cagney.

The clever juxtaposition of the screenplay and the song's lyrics bring a tempo that would be missing if the story was simply laid out as a narrative.

There are a couple of "hooks" that add intrigue to the production. Primary is the question of just what is the protagonist doing in the morgue? But also, did murder happen, and if so, who did it? While some tantalizing clues are presented, the watcher is left to their own conclusions.

All in all, a clever production, with a surprisingly professional look for an amateur effort.
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