1 April 2010
I had no idea Joe was so damn funny. There are few comics anymore who possess both humor AND originality. Joe is one of them. He comes off as honest, intelligent and funny as hell at the same time. Not a lot of comics make me laugh out loud. That's why I decided to give Joe some props here. It's been a while since I've seen some really good stand up. A lot of comics follow the same old rehashed, formulaic routines from way back when, and they do a half ass job at it. I would compare Joe's originality to the likes of George Carlin or Bill Hicks. These guys would make you laugh your ass off, yet at the same time, make you think. They were sharp, told it like it was and absolutely could not care any less about offending anyone with the truth. I would definitely recommend watching this. I don't see how anyone wouldn't enjoy it.
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