WrestleMania XXVI (2010 TV Special)
Nothing spectacular (apart from the last match)
1 April 2010
OK let's get down to business.

John Morrison & R-Truth vs Big Show & The Miz: Decent enough opener for a Wrestlemania. There was nothing really noteworthy about this match. It was an adequate match, nothing more & nothing less... 5/10

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase: Decent match with good storytelling. I don't agree with Orton being a face (it didn't work last time), but I guess he can always go back to being a heel if this face run fails. The crowd were really into him though. The big question now is what will become of Legacy as I'm sure DiBiase Jr will go after Orton & I have a feeling that Rhodes will get pushed to the side... 6.5/10

MITB Ladder Match: As far as I'm concerned (spot wise), this was the most disappointing ladder match to date. Also, Shelton Benjamin was non- existent in this match which was a huge disappointment as people have come to expect a show stealing performance from him in MITB ladder matches. On the positive side though, the outcome surprised EVERYBODY. I thought for sure that Christian might get this one, but I was wrong. The All American American is Mr Money in the Bank... 6.5/10

Triple H vs Sheamus: I personally believe that it's about time the previous generation stopped bitching about how the younger generation needs to step up & actually step aside & allowed the new generation to do so. Triple H is passed his prime & has no future in the mainevent picture. In the next few years the WWE will be relying on people like Randy Orton & Sheamus (2 men who Triple H has robbed of their Wrestlemania moments). It was a good match however & Sheamus still came out looking strong, but he should've gone over... 6/10

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio: A very good wrestling match. As well performed as any wrestling match on the card. Rey Mysterio is up there with the greatest in ring performers of all time & CM Punk's stock is continuing to rise as one of the WWE's top performers... 7.5/10

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon: On this occasion what one needs to remember is a man who was robbed of an appropriate ending to his wrestling career. This match showed everybody for the first time just how bad Bret Hart's stroke was as his movement was VERY limited & the Hart Dynasty was brought in to carry a lot of the match. The crowd was watching a man who had given everything to them & never had the chance to say goodbye properly. The reception he received when he struggled to put on the sharpshooter & then celebrated with his family in the ring was a fitting farewell to the Excellence of Execution & arguably the greatest of all time.

Edge vs Chris Jericho: I'm not buying Edge as a face. Not because he isn't a good face, but because he's too good at being a heel. However this was a good match. The ending was also a surprise as I don't think that many people expected Y2J to leave as champion. There was also a good spot after the match where Edge speared Y2J through the barricade. However, he got a mixed reaction from the crowd which may indicate that people do not fully buy Edge's face persona... 7/10

10 Diva Tag Match: Crap... 2/10

Batista vs John Cena: A pretty pointless entrance from John Cena. The match was actually not that bad considering the limited ability of both men. They have good chemistry together. Despite Cena's lack of ability, his strength will always continue to amaze me. He is quite clearly pound for pound the strongest WWE superstar. Despite a botched reversal into a powerbomb from Batista (a repeat of the finish from their Summer Slam match), the match was a pretty solid effort from both men... 6/10

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels: One of the most anticipated matches in WWE history. It didn't disappoint. I don't remember being this tense during a match. Shawn Michaels' catalogue of classics is just unparalleled. His moonsault from the top turnbuckle through the announce table was breathtaking & don't get me started on The Undertakers jumping tombstone piledriver. What happened after was one of the greatest endings to a Wrestlemania ever (or at least up there with Wrestlemania 8 & 17)... Match 8.5/10... Occasion 9.5/10

Overall it was a decent show. The commentating was VERY lacklustre & they better have JR back next year. It wasn't spectacular until the last match... 7/10
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