Damon visits Cougar Town...
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The good...

Anna teaching the vamps about TV, remote controls and multiple channels. Was creepy seeing the human home owner under compulsion and letting herself be fed upon.

Kelly (Matt's mum) and her disgusted scoffing at Matt mentioning Caroline (then Kelly's false smile/cup raise at Caroline's "Hi, Mrs Donovan.").

Pearl (Anna's mum) teaching vamp man about texting and her not missing corsets.

Damon's "Damn!" when Pearl almost broke his wrist, followed by her GOUGING HIS EYES OUT! That was awesome. Pearl just went up to an 11 on the bad-ass scale. She showed Damon who was boss...and he totally deserved it (and more)! Kick his butt again, Pearl! Too bad Damon's eyes didn't show *any* sign of damage by the time he showed up at the bar (yes, he's a vampire and, yes, his eyes obviously healed, but it would have been good if they were red or something to show that they were still in the process of healing. It was disappointing that, after him being taken down a peg, it ended up seeming like something he was easily able to shrug off).

Anna calling Jeremy "all cute and floppy" was kind of amusing. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be.

Elena being smart enough to text Stefan about the bad vamp mistaking her for Katherine and not just telling Stefan out loud about it (as she knew the vamp would have heard her with his vamp hearing).

Stefan and Matt's conversation about how Stefan comes across and Stefan's "What a dick." comment (in regards to himself). On the whole, Stefan and Matt being mature with each other throughout the episode. Especially Stefan. He showed no sign of having a problem with Matt's over-sharing at times (about his history with Elena). It's actually kind of freaky just how calm Stefan was with everything. He's obviously lived long enough that petty little jealousies are of no concern to him. He knows he can trust Elena, he RESPECTS her and isn't all controlling/over-protective with her (though he came close to Edward Cullen degrees of over-protectiveness towards Elena when he wasn't going to let her go home alone and wanted her to call him as soon as she got home. Thankfully, he knew when to back off and leave her be).

Jenna's "Stupid shoe!" amused me.

Everyone's disapproving looks at Damon (after Matt left with Kelly).

Pearl acting like a mother to Anna sneaking out ("for three hours!").

The vampire fight at the Salvatores' place, them kicking butt and Damon's "Yeah, about that..." (after Stefan said he recognised the two vamps that attacked them).

Elena and Jeremy's shared toothbrush scene.

Pearl stabbing bad vamp and telling him next time to listen to her.

Elena and Stefan's phone conversation.

The bad...

Okay, not necessarily "bad", rather just bits of the episode that weren't as good as the above^ mentioned stuff.

Caroline's jealousy and warning Elena off Matt. I can understand Caroline's frustration and such, but still...she was kind of annoying (though a point to Matt for knowing that Caroline was testing him).

Jeremy testing Anna by cutting himself. How dumb can he be? Oh, right...it's Jeremy. How's he still alive again? And now he wants her to TURN HIM? Anna, run away now! Far, FAR away! You don't want to be stuck with Jeremy for eternity!

General comments about the episode...

Jenna? "Responsible"? HA!

As kick-ass as Pearl was with both bad vamp and Damon...she is kind of ensuring that these two don't like her very much. Sure, they might have been put in their place for the time being, but we know that when Damon puts his mind to it, he can take down vamps more powerful than him (poor Lexi being a prime example). Pearl had just better not get TOO sure of herself/over-confident, otherwise she might just find herself on the wrong end of a wooden spoon.

I thought all the interaction in this episode was pretty good (Elena & Stefan, Stefan & Damon, Elena & Stefan with Matt & Caroline, Damon & Kelly & Jenna, Pearl & Anna, Pearl & Damon, etc), but at the same time...I kind of felt this episode was a bit 'meh'. It just didn't have that 'wow' factor that the past several episodes had. I guess the show had to take a breather and slow down for a moment. Can't keep up that breakneck pace indefinitely. Still, this episode wasn't too bad. I'll give it an 8 simply for the scene where Pearl's thumbs got intimate with Damon's eyes. That will never stop being awesome.
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