5 April 2010
A B Mexican horror film. A vampire (Justin Quinn) is inadvertently set free after 50 years buried alive. He sets out for revenge but falls in love with the niece (Brenda Romero) of one of his victims. He tries to (get this) get over his vampirism (!!!) so he can be with her.

This isn't the worst horror film ever made but it won't win any awards! The story is nothing new and completely derails at the end where there are HUGE leaps in logic. Also the script has some truly terrible lines. The scenes where vampires casually talk about killing people are just ridiculous. There's also a pointless nude scene (which every horror film seems to need these days) and some truly painful characters here to provide "comedy". Two friends of the niece especially got on my nerves. I wanted them bitten and killed so MUCH! Also the acting was pretty weak but not unbearable. On the plus side it is well directed, has a few little jumps and I thought Quinn wasn't bad as the vampire. So it's watchable but instantly forgettable.
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