Orphan (2009)
Should be called 'Idiot'
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This flick should be called 'Idiot' as it is about a clueless idiot who can't understand anything explained to him in detail by his wife, and signaled by the daughter and son. Throughout half of the movie you'll be swearing at the idiot and wondering how long it will take him to figure out simplest events. The idiot then dies without figuring anything out. An orphan is just an accessory to show how clueless the idiot is.

If you removed the idiot and put a smart character in his place this movie could be quite good. Too bad this didn't happen.

My review is cynical, but the movie was not much better at insulting my intelligence by pretending that someone could be so ignorant. Such low level of writing puts this movie in the lowest class of cheesy low budget flicks. It is a waste of time.
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