Oddly Forgiving of Childish Murders
6 April 2010
Who can say? Maybe being an American and utterly disgusted with this sort of Euro-Terrorism of the 70's to begin with, the sort where spoiled children rebel against the plenty they've been given, I find this far too forgiving of those fools who decided to kill for no apparent reason.

Perhaps European, or German, sensibilities can find something valuable or redeemable in the creatures portrayed here. I cannot.

When these homegrown German terrorists find themselves in prisons, it's a strange view from an American eye -- they seem in luxury. An American isolated prison cell is far from what is portrayed here. It is dank, and none too pleasant. Nothing like a gulag, but hardly like what seems here.

Perhaps the most disgusting thing about the movie, though I cannot say it is inaccurate -- I merely hope it is inaccurate - is the weakness with which the German government deals with these fools.
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