Review of In the Soup

Leave It to Beaver: In the Soup (1961)
Season 4, Episode 32
THE Classic Beaver Episode
7 April 2010
This episode is considered to be THE classic 'Leave it to Beaver' episode, perhaps not the best or most charming, but it was the most famous and most talked about episode for decades, representing the humor of the show. For years after the show was finally over, if the subject came up of Leave it to Beaver in conversations, the 'Soup Show' was invariably cited with, "Did you see...or...Do you remember the time Beaver fell in the soup bowl?". It is all the more strange, therefore, that it is never seen on reruns.

The entire series of 'Leave it to Beaver' stands out from all the other sitcoms that were developed during the 50s has having an authentic feel to them. Other TV shows from that time have a very contrived and artificial feel to them. 'Leave it to Beaver' always had a down to earth and next door feel to it. The only other shows to come close to achieving this natural feel even in their best years were 'Father Knows Best' and 'the Donna Reid Show', but they were always 'also rans' in comparison to 'Leave it to Beaver'.
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