Review of Improbable

The X-Files: Improbable (2002)
Season 9, Episode 13
Oh God why?
9 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's really difficult to say why you don't find something funny, just that you don't. Maybe it's that the number theory (the way it's used in the show) doesn't have enough thought/detail behind it for me. Maybe it's that I find Burt R makes everything he's in feel over the top, and don't like this feel in x-files. Anyway, I was surprised Improbable is rated so high.

Stuff I did like:

  • The numerology description of Doggett and his response (funny).

  • S and R pairing. Nice dynamic + they work well together. Would have enjoyed more of this in season nine.

  • Because of S and R pairing, there's no pushing the R and D romance because they're not together much. Pushing R and D has made enjoyable episodes less enjoyable. - interesting teaser. - numerologist realising it's her.

  • liked dour task-force guy- good for them to have someone to play off.

  • the basic theory is really interesting.

Stuff I have no idea if I love or hate:

  • Burt.

  • R embarrassing herself by telling her theory to the task-force. It was funny but would see throw away a career opportunity by telling in that way.

  • reusing some of the numbers for different theories about the murderer (and his MO) i.e. 6 or 9 on the board.

Stuff that annoyed me:

  • the music. The music set a tone that said you should find this episode hilariously light-hearted, and if you don't then it's quite annoying.

  • Burt's motives. He helps R and S in the car park but not any other time. Why bother? Why do anything?

  • Some events were too silly for me.

No doubt it's destiny that I'm giving this a 6.
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