Rise of the Scarecrows (2009 Video)
time to QUIT the biz
18 April 2010
Let's be honest, most of us would give this so-called movie a zero if we could. I guarantee the high voters were all IN this sad attempt at movie making. What happened is this- a sad guy with dreams of movie making rounded up coworkers and friends and said "wanna be in a movie"? For those that answered, "I've never acted", the answer was "no problem". Not true, there are many, many problems. These people cannot write leaps to mind first. No budget, I can overlook that, but zero talent cannot be overlooked. For them the answer seems to be, nothing to say?, just swear. Other than actually calling this mess a movie at all, what bothers me is a guy running around calling himself a film maker, but not wanting to actually work. No effort to train himself or his "staff", no decent rehearsals or rewrites, no re-filming when the sound, picture, direction, acting, script, etc. is complete garbage. It seems that the only thing going here is a total amateur with the ability to get a piece of film unworthy of high school drama class quality to DVD. I'm completely serious to say that I would be embarrassed to put my name anywhere near this guy and his pretend work. If you must continue your "craft", go to school and get a clue.
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