Review of The Clown

One Step Beyond: The Clown (1960)
Season 2, Episode 27
I always knew that there was something weird about that Pippo!
20 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Powerful performance by Mickey Shaughness as the sad tragic Pippo the Clown who ends up taking the rap, or does he, for a crime that he did't commit! The murder of 18 year old Nonnie Ragen, Yvette Mimieux, who was run through with a pair of scissors that he uses in his clown act.

It was Nonni's jealous and abusive husband Tom Ragen, Christopher Dark, who after catching her alone with Pippo in his trailer dressing room went into a fit and tried to work her over. The noble and chivalrous Pippo went to Nonnie's rescue attacking the big brute, Tom, only to have him stab Nonnie to death with Poppo's scissors in and effort to defend himself from the mad as hell clown. The fact that Nonnie was at Poppo's pad in the first place was that Tom, being the jealous type that he is, throw her out of his life accusing her of trying to make out with every man in town! Destoryed and unable, in being mute, to talk Pippo now faces a long prison term, if not the death penalty itself, in the murder of Nonnie Ragen. The person whom Pippo risked his life saving from her crazed husband Tom Ragen. That's until fate, or the long am of ultimate justice, stepped in on Pippo's behalf!

A guilt ridden and haunted man Tom Ragen roams the city streets and bars unable to bring himself to face what he did; The murder of his wife Nonnie. But wherever Tom goes Pippo follows even while he's locked in his trailer with the dead Nonnie Ragen. Always looking over his shoulder and in a mirror Tom sees Pippo with his hands about to ring his neck and starts to slowly lose it.

***SPOILERS*** It's when Tom finally cracks that he takes a jump off a bridge, in trying to get away from the ghost-like Pippo, and into the river below with a vengeful Pippo grabbing on to his neck. With the police coming to his rescue as Tom tries to drown himself that the truth, from Tom, finally comes out to who's responsible for his wife's murder: Him! As for the innocent Pippo who was back in his trailer all this time one thing just did't quite make sense to the police and everyone else watching the film: Just how did Pippo get himself soaking wet while being locked in his trailer that did't even have any running water faucets?
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