Dull mockumentary
21 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So this is basically a fake documentary about guys who regularly see prostitutes and imagine them being girlfriends.

Could be interesting, but somehow it isn't.

I didn't like this movie. All action is filmed in a dull and uninteresting way. When the women talk, you can barely hear it because they purposely (what purpose?) quieted down their voices. In many scenes there is a flashing subtitle that reads "re-enactment" - that puts the final nail in the coffin of what is this movie's believability. Why should you engage your fantasy in something that doesn't even claim to be the real thing?

The movie also has a continuous undercurrent of sadness. That is maybe related to the fact that prostitution is illegal in the US (an absurd state of affairs to be sure). Or the un-reality of the imagined girlfriend experience. But none of these things really explains it. Apparently the director chose to make a sad movie for unknown personal reasons.

{SPOILER AHEAD - although it doesn't matter much if anything is spoiled because there is no tension anyway}

The movie also ends sadly, with the client being arrested by undercover officers for seeing the prostitute who claims to be underage. Maybe that is the movie's message?

But then, what is the message? The movie stays strangely detached from all that happens and you never really know what it's trying to say. I don't know. I feel cheated and I don't want to watch this ever again. There isn't even any wisdom or anything surprising in what the guys say - and they basically talk all the time.

Nah. This movie isn't even a turn-on.

I'll give it a 2 for the fairly original concept. And for making a movie at all. But give us something enjoyable next time, please.
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