Decent Errol Short
24 April 2010
Radio Runaround (1943)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Decent short has Leon Errol being the go-go-go type so this makes his forget his wedding anniversary. His wife (Dorothy Christy) decides to make him jealous by going dancing with another man so this here makes Errol try to get even by paying a woman to pretend to be his girlfriend. The story line here isn't the most original out there but there are a few good laughs to be had here. The highlight of the film are the final five-minutes as the entire plan goes into effect but things get out of control with a neighbor coming over and getting in the middle of things. I thought the final was without question the funniest and it gets even more laughs when the woman's real boyfriend shows up. The first half of the short is pretty boring and doesn't contain very many laughs. The entire bit on the radio doesn't work and Errol forgetting at the start of the film doesn't work either. Fans of Errol will certainly want to check this out even though it's not one of his best.
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