Review of Inflation

Inflation (1943)
New angle from the 1933 film
27 April 2010
In 1933, a propaganda film touting the virtues of inflation, going off the gold standard, and market forces was played in theaters across America. Nine years later, inflation was a tool of the Devil himself, a dark and destructive plot to destroy our country. Amusing how those folks could talk out of both sides of their mouths. Look at these two films back to back, and then consider whether either one's conclusions make sense.

P.S.: Canning your own peaches and raising/slaughtering your own meat was/is not hoarding. There were people, Rose Wilder Lane (Laura Wilder's daughter) among them, who never used ration cards/stamps. They took responsibility for themselves AND were able to share with neighbors in need. Just sayin'...
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