Review of Python

Python (2000 TV Movie)
All hail the magic towel
27 April 2010
I'm going to be frank here: I just don't get movie science. What possible benefit can there be in trying to create a giant and indestructible killer snake that just for the heck of it can also spit acid? And even if there's a proper use for that sort of thing, would you really try to transport said snake by merely shoving it into a wooden box and putting it on a plane? Didn't anyone notice a tiny flaw in that plan? Anyway, this movie mostly consists of pseudo-clever tongue-in-cheek moments, which all in all is pretty lame. When the makers are in on the joke, making fun of horror movies just isn't that great anymore. Some scenes do manage to be entertaining though, like the decapitation scene and pretty much every bit that involves Robert Englund as the crazed professor. My absolute favorite sequence is the shower attack though, how the hell does that towel stay on? Also the death scenes are hilariously crummy, and the crummyness is so funny that it just has to be unintentional. I can't believe how much these actors suck at pretending they're being attacked, they're about as convincing as UFO footage. I liked parts of this movie, it was better than I expected it to be, but that just says I had very low expectations.
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