The Crazies (2010)
Better Than The Original
30 April 2010
Few remakes are as good as the original or even better especially if you're talking about horror movies.

This is one of the movies that in my opinion is better than the original or at least at the same level. The plot is simple, the fact is that this movie is similar to 28 Days Later. A virus carried by a plane to be destroyed spreads through a little American town due to the plane crashing in a nearby river and infests all the people in the town. The action is handled very well and is I must say intense. The sound editing is great and I really liked the score to this movie just because it made it more epic. The cinematography is better than most of the similar movies today and it raises the bar of this movie.

The acting is very good, Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell who is hot as always gave a sense to this movie as far as acting and character development. This is one of the movies that you can't find too many mistakes till it hits you with the end. In my order the end was a little bit forced with the big explosion and the truck doing like 80-90 mph and escapes in like less than 30 seconds which is ... *sigh* but at the end this was an entertaining movie and a real good remake of the first movie from 1973 and I must say better.
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