Inspiring Tanya backstory, interesting new character, energetic and funny pimp arc, convincing acting but short format of the apocalypse
30 April 2010
When the "The Pickle Jar" episode focused more on Ray's past this seventh installment covered Tanya's story, before the pimp incident. As expected Jane Adams performance was convincing and she should make her character grow on you even more. Like in the third episode she reminded me of the girl next door, the one you could be friends with and have a strange relationship. I found the issues she had to deal with quite interesting and I can't wait for a sequel. Family, personal, work, friends. We all have issues in these domains so I'm sure most viewers should identify with Tanya. Sometimes the only way to fully live the present is to dig in your past to find the resources to succeed in the future. Who was I ? What did I do ? What are the mistakes I made and how can I avoid to repeat them over and over ? To learn her lesson Tanya was helped by a new inspiring character. However even if I found it quite interesting the short format ruined part of their arc because you can't expect us to accept and care about someone just in thirty seconds. But in the end their scenes were definitely the enlightenment of the episode.

As for the other elements Ray and Jemma's relationship was also covered but only for a very short period. In fact Natalie Zea only appeared on screen for a few brief seconds so I really hope she'll be back in the next installment. For once the Koontz neighbors were featured and it seems the writers have finally found a purpose to all their working out sessions, specially the slim and athletic Ms Yael energetically played by Alanna Ubach. It should change the way your consider these little innocent things we call cookies. The happy consultants also continued their quest to seduce clients. Tanya's role was anecdotic considering she had other priorities but following Ray's whereabouts was definitely funny as Thomas Jane's acting is just irresistible. Peach, melons, flowers. Choose your weapons gentlemen ! To hang, hung, hung. Reviewing as a second language should be mandatory. It's what so great about the show because once again it proved that television is not necessarily dumber than literature. Hung is definitely one of the best symbol of smart entertainment.
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