Kick-Ass (2010)
30 April 2010
I got back from seeing Kick-Ass a few hours ago.I really wanted to see it as I'm a fan of superhero movies, especially darker R-rated ones.I loved Watchmen! Kick-Ass is both a superhero movie and a pretty funny comedy.Based on the graphic novel which I have not read, the story is about a nerdy teenager named Dave who decides to become a superhero named "Kick-Ass".The problem is that he is not very strong or skilled.Meanwhile, a father and daughter superhero team named "Big Daddy" and "Hit-Girl", who are much more experienced than Kick-Ass is, decide to meet up with him, and end up saving him from some violent drug dealers, which the drug dealer thinks kick-ass is responsible for.The father-daughter pair plan to kill a rich drug dealer because he framed Big Daddy for drug dealing years ago.Meanwhile Dave falls for this girl who thinks he is gay due to a rumor being spread at school and the drug dealer's son becomes a vigilante named "Red Mist", just so he can bring the trio down.Kick-Ass works as a superhero/vigilante movie, but it also works as a teen movie.We see examples of Dave being a nerd as well as various pop culture references which would pertain to teens.This is probably the first R-rated superhero movie to feature teenagers.The character "Hit-Girl" is probably the best character in the film due to her funny profanity-ladden one-liners and ability to really do damage to the baddies.The actress did a great job portraying her.Overall, if you like superhero movies or teen movies, then Kick-Ass is the movie to see!
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