So close, yet so far
4 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Davey is a lonely, 28-year-old socially inept "writer" trying to peddle his self-published book of short stories by criss-crossing New Mexico in a beat-up old station wagon with a mattress in the back and doing readings at independent book stories to audiences of about five people. His loutish younger brother is along for the ride and the chance to snare drunk chicks who think the boys are the reincarnation of Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady.

One night, when Davey is alone in their cheap motel room, the phone rings. One the other end is the sexy voice of Nicole, who says she is bored and wants to have phone sex with a dude. Any dude. Davey obliges. Thus is launched a relationship that has Davey totally spellbound. It's not all about sex. They share secrets, confide, console, etc. But only over the phone. He thinks they are soulmates. She insists on keeping her identify secret. Davey is desperate to meet her. His brother mocks him.

This debut offering from writer-director Kyle Patrick Alvarez casts Brian Geraghty (The Hurt Locker) as Davey. He spends the whole movie in a state of confusion and yearning. He's a putz and knows it. But maybe there's hope. A lifeline has been tossed to him, but from whom?

When the cat is deftly pulled out of the bag, you might fear Alvarez is going to go somewhere stupid with this. He doesn't. It plays out as it should. And, as with most good endings, a few additional possible scenes play out in your head.

I look forward to seeing what young Alvarez does next.
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