High Plains Invaders (2009 TV Movie)
Soooooo bad
4 May 2010
This movie is so bad, I felt it necessary to pen my first movie review. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time watching it, making fun of it, shaking my head in disbelief... but it is on the borderline of being so terrible as to not even be fun to ridicule. Luckily, I had beer.

The idea for the movie isn't so bad, but the execution was unbearable. Horrible acting, especially on the part of Sanny Van Heteren who is almost unwatchable. The dialogue is unbelievably insipid and unrealistic. Characters talk about what has happened in exposition form instead of relaying the information through discovery by the character. Predictable, awful. It makes me wonder how it ever got made.

Pet peeve: modern guns mixed with older ones, none from the right time period. Mixed with the fouled up science, trite and contrived story, this one is a must pass. Save your money. Keep this 90 minutes of your life for something else. Been meaning to clean the bathroom? Do that instead. It will be far less taxing and ultimately more rewarding.
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