What the hell was this?
5 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
ARE YOU FRICKING SERIOUS. This sucked so bad i nearly puked........scratch that I JUST PUKED THIS MOVIE SUCKS SO MUCH! It was baaaaaaaaaddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was an atrocity to all people who enjoy movies. The stunts were the shits, i mean seriously you could straight up tell that these kids weren't hitting the bad guys. And the acting OMG the acting, the acting was so bad i wished that the bad guys would kill the kids just so the movie could end. I understand that this is a kids movie but even 3 year olds could tell the retarded badness of this incredibly crappy thing. All people in this movie should never EVER get another job involving movies EVER! BELIEVE ME IM ALWAYS RIGHT!
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