Review of Inside Man

Star Trek: Voyager: Inside Man (2000)
Season 7, Episode 6
A possible way home?
6 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After two months without any mail from the Alpha Quadrant the crew are pleased when they get a larger than usual data stream; it turns out that once again there isn't any mail, however it does contain a holographic version of Lt. Barclay bringing news that there is a way that will enable the crew to get home in a few days by passing through a "geodesic fold". Janeway points out that they have considered doing this before but rejected the idea as the radiation levels would kill the crew. Holographic Reg reassures them that with changes to the shields and an inoculation they would all be safe.

Back on Earth the real Reg believes that his messages have failed to get through, probably because it has been stolen by the Borg or the Romulans. This leaves the viewer wondering if one of these races has stolen the hologram and reprogrammed it before sending it onto Voyager or it got through as intended and Reg is wrong about it being lost. After he is told to take some leave Reg goes and finds Counselor Troi who isn't too pleased to be disturbed on her holiday. She agrees to a quick talk and comes to the conclusion that Reg might be right about the program being stolen when he mentions having had a girl friend who left him just after the hologram's program was lost. It turns out she was working for a group of Ferengis who are trying to get their hands on Seven of Nine's nanoprobes. The crew of Voyager are mostly oblivious that they are about to get killed meaning Reg must persuade the Ferengis to collapse the fold before Voyager can enter it.

Initially I thought I wouldn't enjoy this episode as the Holographic Reg was so extremely confident as to be annoying but it is explained well enough. It was a nice twist to have the Ferengis be the antagonists rather than anybody Reg initially suspected. There was some humour thrown in, the best being when Harry is shown to be gullible.. again.
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